We Don't Need More Restaurants, We Need Better Ones

I went out to lunch this week at a charming local restaurant downtown and started chatting with our server about her experience working for this restaurant. 

We asked her questions like:

What does development look like in her position?

When is the last time she’s had a one on one?

When was the last time someone told her she was doing a great job?

What’s the biggest challenge her restaurant faces?

This server told us that she wished her management team knew how to control their emotions and not take their stress or frustration out on the staff.

She said the restaurant was constantly turning over staff because management was quick to fire.

She wished there was better communication amongst managers and hourly employees about things they could all work on as a team.

She said it had been 2 years since she’d had a one-on-one and that the new manager had never sat her down to get to know her or give her feedback.

That she’d love to know how to put more money in her pocket if someone could provide her some tips on how todo so.

This feedback came to us in the span of 60 seconds. You could tell this server was excited to share her opinion and lit up at the thought of someone investing in her.

Despite her feedback, this server has worked at this restaurant for 2 years and her service was attentive, kind, professional and she even offered us to-go cups on our way out. 

I got teary-eyed hearing this server share this feedback with us and then I got fired up.

I know, deep down, that restaurant owners want to be the best they can be and that employees want to do the best they can for their managers, owners, teammates and guests.

Restaurants need our help and support.

It’s time we start working together. 

I am going to keep having these conversations with employees from each restaurant I visit and keep offering resources to every restaurant owner who wants to be the best they can be.

I am also creating an employee engagement survey that I will offer to any restaurant for free who is interested in taking better care of their staff and improving their overall business. If you know anyone interested, please let me know.



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